Friday, November 5, 2010

An Introduction to the Encyclopaedia Fantastica

Alternate title: "Constance is Starting a Pointless Project"/"Soon Every Post Will Have a Classification"

Some of you may know that a lot of my free time is spent making up weird, random creatures, mostly in the realm of dragons but sometimes involving other species as well. Most of these creatures have enough information attached to them to fill a small book, and most of them never get a story into which I can insert this dreck. So I have decided to write an Encyclopaedia, which is like an encyclopedia, but with an extra "a" and a superior air[1].

Periodically, you will see posts which consist of a drawing (done by yours truly, and therefore probably not of much interest, but oh well) accompanied by an outline of the information found in an encyclopedia, with reference to that species. I will keep this up for as long as it takes for someone to get bored and complain.

Note: The Encyclopaedia Fantastica contains only those creatures I have conjured up to exist in this world. Those native to my imaginary world, Terre[2], are supposedly being catalogued elsewhere as soon as I get around to it.


[1] And British. Look up “anglophile”, why don’t you.
[2] If you speak French, you will know that this is a total cop-out name for a world, because “terre” is French for “earth”. Hey, you try coming up with a creative name for your own planet while juggling as many imaginary countries as I do.

1 comment:

  1. There is a short story you need to read, about a made-up encyclopedia and its unexpected effects on the real world. It's called "Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius," by Jorge Luis Borges:

    Then there's a novel, written IN THE FORM of an encyclopedia. So you can read it in any order you want and slowly "reassemble" the story like an archaeologist. This is one of the most fun books I've ever read:

    Check 'em out if you ever get a chance.
