Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Follow-Up on the Justin Beiber War

You know, my original intention wasn't to prolong the argument. I just wanted people to stop fighting. Clearly, that's not going to happen. I would like to back out of this argument, but first I must clear something up.
We have the right to express our opinions about whatever we want. You might not give a damn about him but we do. Just because you don't like him and don't listen to his music, it doesn't mean that the whole world is going to stop this because what you say. quite frankly you should eat your own words because you are not being tolerant yourself were not the ones getting all crazy and angry about the opposing side disagreeing with us. --Karen Chavez, in response to my own post
I was not denying your right to express your opinion at all. On the contrary, I was saying that everyone has a right to an opinion--which is the reason we should not be arguing. I suppose I may be nullifying my point by responding to your post, but the concept is a sound one.

As for the claim that I specifically don't like Beiber, may I direct you to this statement of mine?
I don't have an opinion on Justin Beiber...but I'm not a "hater" either. I find it extremely interesting that there is no middle ground, only the fans and the "haters".
I do not dislike Beiber just because I don't listen to his music. I simply don't care one way or the other.

Now, to your third point, that I am being intolerant and "getting all crazy and angry" about others disagreeing with me. As a matter of fact, this is impossible, because I am not in direct disagreement with anyone whose post I referenced. It's all right with me if you guys disagree with each other, but why can't you respect that other people have opinions just as much as you do? Why can't you just agree to disagree?

I will not escalate this further. There is no point in attempting to provoke me. My point is to prevent an argument, not to start a new one. Go ahead and continue arguing if you want, I guess, instead of learning to be understanding of others. I can't stop you, and I will not be a part of another unnecessary argument. So I leave you with the following thought:

Isn't a war just a larger-scale argument?

1 comment:

  1. you're getting all "worked up and crazy"?
    I mean no offense to our classmates, but it seems to me that your statements are very clearly and calmly worded...
    and as I believe I forgot to add to your first post on this subject, I wrote a response addressing the lack of a middle ground:
