Friday, November 5, 2010

A Commentary on the Justin Beiber War

I think you guys will both be very lonely if you keep trying to singing Justin Bieber's songs, because if you do then (one) you will be devastated and live a pessimistic life when he dies and (two) you'll probably want to sing his songs for a living or something, but you would barely get any money and end up as a hobo on the street. ASTI probably accepted you to cure you from singing those songs all the time. You really need to rethink your life.    --Jesse Valdez

I like Justin Bieber and I don't have to change. What if you like ballet, should you stop being so attached to it because no other guy is doing ballet? Why don't you think that over?  Jesse thinks he can stop Sam and I from signing Justin Bieber. I do not think that ,that is going to work. So do please try again.
--Billy Lau

I want to respond to this post to defend all the Beiber HATERS!!!!!! yeah WOOT-WOOT! people have to understand that every celebrity has people that dis-like their signing voice and everything that may have to do with them, including and in this case it would have to be the voice. --Ivan Arreola
It appears that, throughout the school year, there has been an ongoing war about people liking Justin Beiber or not. Above you will find excerpts from those posts I have been able to unearth. I believe this can be used to demonstrate a long-standing concern of mine--so you Beiber-soldiers listen, and listen well.

For myself, I don't have an opinion on Justin Beiber. I have never listened to his music, mainly because I find that most contemporary teenage music is...well, I don't care for it. Obviously, this keeps me miles away from the class of "Beiber fangirl", but I'm not a "hater" either. I find it extremely interesting that there is no middle ground, only the fans and the "haters". I think this says a lot about our society, actually--but more on that in another post.

Each side in this Beiber-war seems to be trying to make themselves seem right, to subjugate the other side's opinions. Jesse says that fans of Justin Beiber will end up as hobos and need to rethink their lives; Ivan mocks Beiber's singing voice; Billy, later in his post, tells Jesse to "go back to 8th grade to learn your amendments". Karen Chavez, in a post I have not quoted above, claims that "if you say you hate him and that his voice sounds like a girl,you know that you secretely like him and secretely listen to his music".

You know what? I don't give a damn about Justin Beiber. He's a singer, and some people like him, and that's fine for them. Some people don't like him, and that's fine for them too. I'm sick of everyone trying to force their opinions on everyone else. Why can't we just let people have their own preferences? Is a little tolerance really too much to ask?

Stop arguing about Justin Beiber. It doesn't matter. No matter how essential you believe it is that everyone in the whole damn world be in love with Beiber, or that everyone hate him, it still doesn't matter. So give it a rest, because we're tired of hearing it.


  1. I have heard his music before. Until someone mentioned that it was Justin Beiber, I'd thought that I was listening to a woman. I'd seriously thought that. "Oh. I wonder who this is... Nice voice, wish I could sing like tha- IT'S JUSTIN BEIBER??? HHWHAAAT?????"

  2. By the way, the captcha in my last post said "Exona". Definite character name. Yup.

  3. Very true *applauds*
    I will be quoting you (link in a bit)

  4. I am reading this in a public place, which is embarrassing because I am honking coffee through my nose with laughter.

    Way to take the high road! Now we'll see if your authoritative summary and dismissal of the whole JB debate actually ends it...
